Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where has the time gone...19 Months!!

Well little Miss 19 Month old, not much has changed within the last month!
Weigh about 24 pounds and still wearing size 4 diapers and 18-24 month clothes.

We have now progressed from the Lyla shuffle on your bottom to upright walking on your knees. I know one day you will eventually just get up and walk J We are no longer going to therapy since I have gone back to work and her schedule doesn’t allow her to have a 4:00 spot. We are monitoring her going back to daycare and if no progression in the next month then we will figure something else out.

Starting back to daycare has really thrown her off these past two weeks but Friday when I dropped her off she didn’t cry and she even slept two hours during her nap. I am sure this will all change come Monday as she is moving up to the number 2 room which means no more crib..YIKES! Her napper came in and we have been trying to lay on it in her playroom so she is used to it but I know it will be a huge change for her come tomorrow. I am sure they have trained several children to sleep on them but it just makes me very nervous. Thankfully they did tell me that they have an emergency crib in there which I have a feeling she might be in there come tomorrow..LoL

You are a girl of MANY words. You will just sit and talk (we have no idea what you are saying most of the time) but it is fun trying to figure it out. Some words don’t sound very nice for example her “what’s this” sounds like a lovely four letter word that starts with an S…ha!The other day I asked you what something was and you responded with "it is a fish" I almost fell over because it was like you were making a complete sentence and like seriously mom I know it's a fish..ha!

You still love watching some TV but if we turn it off you will immediately go over and start playing with your toys.

You love crayons and coloring but you are still bad about eating the crayons (lol) so we have to limit it. I did find some finger paint that only paints on paper at Target today so I am sure she is going to love that.

You love to get your picture made and say cheese anytime you know I am taking your picture.

It's so funny because you will only really stand up when the Hotdog song is playing at the end of the Mickey Mouse show...maybe I need to record it and just start playing it over and over :)

You have started giving the dogs a run for their money…they run away and hide from you most of the time.

You are such a sweet and loving girl. You give so many hugs and kisses and it just melts my heart.

You are still going to gymnastics and LOVE have started getting up and dancing to the music! I love it!!!

You love to make a fort in the sheets and hide under it with your daddy, you think it is the funniest thing!

You still love anything with pasta in it and are getting better about eating new things too. I hope it continues because starting Monday you will be eating lunch from the cafeteria at daycare. A lot less work on me and a fresh hot meal, so I think it will work out great!

You know all of your body parts, can mimic most of the animal sounds we give you and when we ask you to say your ABC's you will say A, A, A..only a few more letters to learn..ha! You love for us to sing you the 1-4 song off of Sesame Street and any nursery rhyme will catch your attention too.

We love you to the moon and back and you fill our days with so much joy and we can't imagine life without you!!!

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