Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 Weeks Old!!!

I am three weeks old today

Mom did a photo shoot of me this morning..I wouldn't cooperate very well but she got a few good shots!

When we went to the doctor last week I forgot to mention her stats as of 2 weeks old
Height 21 inches - 74%
Weight 8 lbs 6 1/2 oz - 52%
Head 14 1/2 inches - 69%

We really haven't been up to much this week. We had our first outing to Target this morning and that was an adventure but we did just fine. I am trying to start getting her on some what of a schedule and try getting her to sleep in her bassinet, but it is not working out very well. Once she wakes up and realizes that she is flat on her back she wakes up in an all our screaming war...I give it time to try and let her learn to soothe herself somewhat but there is only so long I can let her lay there in a sheer panic....I think every day she has waited a few minutes longer each time before freaking out so hopefully she is getting a little better everyday. I told Jason that she will only fit in her bouncy seat for so long and then we are going to have to do something different..ha!
I figured out when I have to go back to work this week also and it will be April 7..not very thrilled about the thought of it but I know I still have about 7 weeks home with my little girl so I am going to eat up every minute of it. Plus when I go back in April there will only be 8 weeks of school left before I am out for the summer and get to spend another three months with my girl...makes me ease into it a little better.
I feel like my milk has increased this week and she is doing a lot better nursing throughout the day...we do still give her one pumped bottle at night because it seems to help her sleep a little longer and give me a straight 4-5 hours of sleep :)

Here is our little diva thinking this coat is WAY to much mom..but I wanted to get a picture of her in it before it was 90 degrees which doesn't take long in Houston!

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