Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Busy/biting baby + computer crash = much needed break!!!

Well to say the least it has been a rough start to my week! I finally got my weekend caught up and everything planned out and Lyla and I tried out a new church on Sunday. We really enjoyed it but I think the devil was not very happy because he started digging away at my week slowly but surely.
It started Sunday when we went to open our computer (which has all of Lyla's pictured saved on it, not backed up) long story short...after a trip to the apple store and only getting half of the pictures saved they are saying it has to be completely wiped out! Then Monday I was in my classroom and my fridge started making a terrible noise and after letting it rest over night I tried it again this morning and it also has decided to play out. Then I go to pick up Lyla after daycare and I get an accident report to fill out because my child has bit another child on the back today...GOOD GRIEF!! Is it spring break yet?!?!
I also have been back and forth with her teacher on the fact that of we say it's okay for her to have her paci then that is our choice. Lyla was off the bottle at 11 months, is teething and I quit nursing her last week so she is going through some serious transitions and that is her security blanket. So her being frustrated and hurting I feel contributed to the incident today, at least I pray my justification is correct. I know that this too shall pass but it's still hard dealing with it at the moment, just like the things we have already been through and many years to come :)
She is also all over the place..one minute she is in her playroom the next she is no telling where! She loves to play with doors which worries me but it is so cute to see her say "HI" when she opens it and "BYE" when she closes it..ha!
I think she knew Ms Nadia was telling on her though because she will never tell her bye and today when she was telling me and I was telling her that wasn't nice she looked at Nadia and said bye-bye..lol!! She also blew spit kisses to her daddy this morning...oh my!!
Even though she is my little mischievous diva I wouldn't trade any of it for the money in the world!!

And PS totally realized I have the blog app for my iPad so I think this will be much easier to keep up with now :)
Only three days until the start of my MUCH needed week break!!!

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