Oops. I forgot to mention that my hubby had a big birthday last week he turned the big 30 :) So we celebrated by going to out favorite restaurant the Don'key. It is this hole in the wall in Pasadena but it is really good. We usually go there for their famous Ritas, but peanut and I just had some water!
Well I started getting in cleaning organizing mode last week since I started feeling better. So I started with the kitchen. We had this tall wire rack that kept falling down so I went to Target and got this really cute shelf with baskets to put stuff in so it is not all out in the open.


Jason said one of his birthday wishes was that I would get my fridge under control so I pulled everything out of the fridge and freezer deep cleaned and ended up with three bags of trash. I guess he was correct...it did need some TLC. That trash did include some of the pantry stuff also though :)

Door Before

Inside Before

Inside After
We are starting to get the house together also. We have a tile guy coming in the morning, hopefully..he has been kind of shady the past two days. He is pulling up the carpet in the living room and laying the same ceramic tile that we have on either side in the foyer and kitchen. Since the dogs decided to eat a hole through the carpet one night, all the way to the concrete, I figured we needed to do something. I will show pics of that once it is complete. Plus some other moving around I have done.
I had my monthly follow up with my doctor on Tuesday. She said since I was two weeks earlier than they thought I will come back in two weeks for my next sonogram and blood work. A little disappointed I didn't get to see peanut but two weeks is not far off so I will survive. They weighed me and checked my blood pressure and said everything else has come back normal.
I am super excited that I leave for Dallas in two days to spend the weekend with my fabulous BFF for her bachelorette party. It is going to be so much fun I can hardly stand myself :) Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
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