Monday, April 4, 2011

1st day of daycare...

They were probably calling me the crazy mom by the time I left Lyla for just her first few short hours at daycare this morning. I think I packed WAY too much stuff that they just sent right back home with me. My thought process was they would just keep it there but ends up I bring it every day...which is more work for me but that is okay. So now instead of leaving extra paci's, bottles, clothes, diaper cream, and such there I must leave it in her diaper bag that goes with her daily.I was in such a frenzy yesterday trying to make sure I had everything together I didn't realize my printer was out of ink so I ran to Target to get some well crazy me just thought that it was only the black in and not the color well I got home and still couldn't print out her 2 page schedule and "all about Lyla page" I typed up (yes this is why they probably think I am super crazy..ha!) I didn't want her to go today with out it so my semi-rested brain thought about getting it faxed there so wonderful Gigi let me e-mail it to her and she faxed it over to the
daycare for me this morning. I was very thankful adn relieved at least they would know a little bit about her until they get used to one another. I was so frazzled I also forgot the name of her teacher..I know the afternoon was Karen, but I can't for the life of me remember her other one..which is driving me crazy! Guess I will get it in the morning.

Everything went pretty smooth...except for Lyla is off of her normal schedule for some reason. She usually sleeps from between 10-10:30 and gets up around 4:30 a.m. to feed. Well she has still been going down at 10-10:30 but she is waking up at 2:00 and then again at 5:00 a.m. Which is not only messing up the schedule I had worked out for me getting up, working out, and getting ready for work but also my sleep. I am hoping it is just a growth spurt and we will be back to normal soon because this momma has to go back to work in a few days and I'm tired! I got her unloaded and dropped off without a tear this morning..I was very proud of myself but I knew that I would be coming back shortly to get her so this may be a different story come Thursday when I have to leave her from 7-4. YIKES! She has been asleep for a good 3 hours now she was so tired when I picked her up because he longest nap is in the morning and I guess she stayed awake almost the entire time just looking around the lady said...she had to see what this new business was and why her momma had left her there.
I was very thankful for those few hours though..I forgot how easy it is to knock out a to do list when you only have to get yourself out of the car and it takes a few seconds to run in and out of somewhere. She came home just a talking and carrying on so I guess she was okay there for the day!
Lyla and her daddy before he left for work yesterday. He loved that I spiked her hair up.ha!

Lyla enjoying some AMC awards last night, that is the longest I think she has ever laid on the bed so content...

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